CardIt! is a very simple program which checks the validity of a credit card number. To use it just hit CMD-E to open up the validation dialog. Then enter the credit card number you wish to verify. When you're done just hit return or click the OK button. The program will then give you an alert telling you whether the number is valid or not. If it isn't it will show the number you typed, and give a brief error message explaining why it is invalid. The other (and the main reason for this program) use is to actually BUILD credit card numbers using the same algorithm. Just hit CMD-G (Generate Numbers). Another dialog will pop up asking you to input some information, like a starting seed number and the range you wish to try. The wider the range, the longer it takes -- but it finds LOTS of CC numbers. Possible uses: 1. Most online services (GEnie, AOL, CI$, etc) only check to see if the credit card number you gave is valid. If so, you get a free account for a month. Wopee. 2. Most party lines also do the same. 3. Use your imagination because I'm too tired to help you out. Further updates will (hopefully) include: 1. The ability to save the list when you're done. 2. More credit card's accepted (at present it only checks AMEX, VISA and MasterCard). For now, have fun! -Yankee Flatline